About This File
The St.George Marathon, in St. George, Utah is one of the premier marathons in the USA. Not the largest in the country, but it draws runners from all over the country, for the privilege of running such a beautiful route. The event is always over-subscribed as runners of every age and ability rush to be early applicants. Our daughter Kimberly qualified on this course years ago to be able to run the Boston Marathon. This year my wife and I were able to go down as spectators. Kimberly, runs so well, and placed so high, I had to remind myself what an accomplishment it is, for any human, to run 26.2 miles!
In recent years, my most common use of Pictures To Exe, is for these "improved home movies", as I do what ever editing of videos, simply within the PTE program. Although many of my PTE presentations end up on Youtube as mp4 files, I still prefer the superior quality of PTE's .exe files. I welcome all comments!