About This File
Colorado is a very high altitude state. It has the highest average altitude of any state in the USA with 637 mountain peaks over 13,000 feet and 53 over 14,000 feet elevation. On these high mountain peaks are some amazingly hardy animals including Rocky Mountain Goats, Pika (a tiny cousin of the rabbit) Marmots, a variety of birds, etc. There are also fragile wild flowers, moss and other vegetations. In the winter the snows are deep, over 20 feet, with sub zero freezing temperatures and extreme winds so the burrowing wildlife hibernates while the goats seek lower elevations to spend the winter months. Mount Evans is 14,268 feet in elevation and every year after the goat nannies (also regionally sometimes called ewes or does) have their young called kids at about 10,000 feet elevation. When they are strong enough, the nannies bring them to the high summits to enjoy munching on the fragile vegetation above the altitude range of most predation.
I've climbed every year to the tops of a number of these peaks to photograph the wildlife. As I've gotten older and less able to climb, I spend more time on Mount Evans which actually is accessible by paved road to over 14,100 feet. Long focal length telephoto lets me get up close to these wonderful creatures. This show was made with beta 18 of PTE 6.0 several years back, but I thought it might be of interest
Press the space bar to stop and start the show if you have problems reading the scrolling text. About 79 meg download for PC and native MacIntosh executables...