461 files
Pictures at an Exhibition
By tva1840
Modest Mussorgsky visited an art exhibition and set to music his interpretation of the pictures he viewed. I'm not that clever so have done it the other way around and set pictures to his music. The music is over 30 minutes long but the show certainly isn't. Took a long time to shoot all the images I have used, but visited some very famous galleries all over europe, during my usual tourist travels. This show is priceless, well the paintings are anyway. Hope you enjoy.
Sinfonia de flores
By Eddy Roose
In different Natural Parks of Spain we took pictures of flowers.
Burma and its Buddhism
By Eddy Roose
Buddhism in Burma (also known as Myanmar) is predominantly of the Theravada tradition, practised by 89% of the country's population. It is the most religious Buddhist country in terms of the proportion of monks in the population and proportion of income spent on religion. Monks are venerated members of Burmese society. The monks wear red/maroon coloured robes and the nuns pink coloured robes with a sash over their left shoulder.
Burma - A Buddhist Home for Aged Orphan People
By Eddy Roose
In the Burmese Buddhist tradition elderly people are usually taken care of by family, they don’t live in retirement homes like we do in the West. But the residents of the Buddhist Home for Aged People don’t have any family members, so they are considered orphans, needing to be taken care of by the community. There is only one nurse taking care of more than 80 people, so they take care of each other. Beautiful people all. They live on donations from Buddhist people.
"China Light Zoo" Antwerp
By Kingcanon
During the Christmas and New Year's period Antwerp Zoo arranged what they called "China Light Zoo".
It reminded me of the few times I was in Taiwan during the "Lantern Festival", a light festival taking place every year on the 15th day of the new Chinese Lunar Year.
It is my very first show here on this "Slideshowclub" site, so I hope you enjoy it.
Guest Farm
By colhill
Nestled near the foothills of the magnificent Drakensberg Mountains, is Ashtonvale Guest Farm where I have been going for 36 years.
These pictures were taken on my visit over Christmas 2014
Cuba - life as it is
By Eddy Roose
In 2012 we visited 23 days the whole Cuba by car. This presentation is the result of our social pictures we made during the trip.
By Lakelandlass
A new slideshow comprising images taken during autumn and winter, including a few by my son. Res: 1920x1200.
Northern Light
By vedette
Images taken on a cruise around Iceland. All taken after 7pm as we sailed away from various ports.
By J Williams
During WW2, Auschwitz concentration camp developed into the largest, built and operated by the Third Reich. With 3 main camps, Auschwitz I,
Auschwitz II - Berkenbau, Auschwitz III - Monowitz and 45 satellite camps.
Berkenbau was purposely built to receive the transportation of thousands of prissoners, men, women and children from across Europe in rail trucks, having travelled for days in most cases, directly into the camp.
On 27th January 2015, International Holocaust Rememberence Day, the 70th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz will be commemorated
with a service outside the main gate.
Words alone cannot explain your feelings when visiting Auschwitz and in this audio visual, i have tried to show why we should never forget those who died and suffered.
Please note:- There are short silent periods at the start and end.
The Promise of Secret Garden
By Cor Lokker
Shots are made in the nature area `De Kwade Hoek` on the Island Goeree Overflakkee in the Netherlands.
Vultures of Valderrobres (Spain)
By Cor Lokker
Every morning feed José the vultures in his backyard.
Far from the area they come to fill their stomachs and fly back from where they came.
Every time a magnificent spectacle.
New York Part 4 - Out and About
By Trailertrash
The final part of our Xmas trip to New York.
Himba's in Namibia
By Cor Lokker
We visited in Namibia during our ride, around Palmwag and Opuwo a Himba village.
By coincidence we saw later during our trip, close to the Kunene River, a small settlement where we were invited by a family.
Images of Australia
I made this Slideshow some time ago and so far it has only been shown to family.
I hesitated up until now to show it elsewhere because I thought that as it's in the form of a simple Photo Album of our trip to Australia it might have limited appeal to others.
However now I've decided that I might as well show it here for any others to view should they wish to.
If others get some enjoyment from it as did the family then that would be a bonus!
New York Part 3 - Downtown
By Trailertrash
Part 3 of our trip to New York. Inc Ground Zero, Liberty and Downtown.
Humans only see and photograph a small proportion of the wavelengths of light given off by the sun, but we do have the opportunity to broaden the light we can use by photographing in Infra-Red. There are a number of ways we can have a go at Infra-Red photography and this Presentation/Tutorial takes you through the options and also the pros and cons.
One thing is certain. This is a fascinating aspect of photography and can produce some stunning results.
There is also a PDF on this subject HERE
Other Short Infra-Red sequences and
Blik op de Slikken
By Cor Lokker
September is a great month for the mudflats south of Goeree Overflakkee.
This month discolered the samphire in a beautiful red color.
Before the sun rises, I'm already there with my camera ready, waiting for the first rays over the mudflats.
Beauty Surrounds Us
By colhill
I came across a beautiful piece of music and this inspired me to produce this slide show. I wanted to show the beauty of nature, plants, wild life, insects and of course landscapes that surround us on a daily basis. The slides have been randomly chosen from my vast collection taken in various parts of the world over the past couple of years.
New York Part 2 - The Brooklyn Bridge
By Trailertrash
The Brooklyn Bridge - New York.
The Flags were at half staff in tribute to 2 Brooklyn Police Officers who died in the line of duty a few days prior to our visit.
By Cor Lokker
Pictures were taken by Fons Kern. A member of our photoclub.
He asked me to make a slideshow of his trip to Iceland.
After viewing the photos, I was fascinated of the iceblocks on the beach.