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Jeff Lunt started following Abandoned Air Base , 3 Days 2 Nights , 3 Days 2 Nights and 7 others
Version 1.0.0
This is just a short adventure southeast of Albuquerque. I wanted to blow the stink off of me from the city. I get tired of the hubbub and need peace and quiet for a couple days. I drove south to San Antonio, NM and the east to Carrizozo and then west to Aguirre Dripping Springs Federal Campground. At $7 a night I actually could afford it. And I took site number 1 as the road thru the camp was 1 way and once you passed my site there was no way to come back. Me like. And it had a great view. Everyone else camped were up the road in the trees. Now that I've mentioned this I realized it isn't in this video. Hahaha. I'll post another with the actual site as it's pretty nutty. This video has a spot I camped at partway between San Antonio and Carrizozo. I got all the peace I needed. -
Version 1.0.0
This is just a short adventure southeast of Albuquerque. I wanted to blow the stink off of me from the city. I get tired of the hubbub and need peace and quiet for a couple days. I drove south to San Antonio, NM and the east to Carrizozo and then west to Aguirre Dripping Springs Federal Campground. At $7 a night I actually could afford it. And I took site number 1 as the road thru the camp was 1 way and once you passed my site there was no way to come back. Me like. And it had a great view. Everyone else camped were up the road in the trees. Now that I've mentioned this I realized it isn't in this video. Hahaha. I'll post another with the actual site as it's pretty nutty. This video has a spot I camped at partway between San Antonio and Carrizozo. I got all the peace I needed. -
Version 1.0.0
I wanted to show a brief clip of how I like to camp these days. No more backpacking as my doctors say NO. It's okay with me as long as I have a 4x4 vehicle. My rig is a 4Runner named Ragnar. He was born in October of 1997 in Japan. He's a fine fella. No, I'm not nuts I just like to humanize things. Ragnar and I both look a bit raggedy these days which suits both of us. -
Version 1.0.0
Since I haven't been doing still photography very much anymore, I'm going to post short vignettes from video files. Since the number of megs we can use on this site is small for video, these will be quite short. I am using some stills taken from video to fill out the show a bit. This was back in September when I was trying to time the fall color of the aspens. I was going to explore Utah with drone and action camera in hand and then end my adventure in Leadville Colorado. Leadville was gorgeous. They had a foot of fresh snow, fantastic white, and the aspen were in full color. By the time I got there my back was hurting so bad I didn't take a single photo. Nuts. As it was I had a hard time driving home to Albuquerque. Health is everything and mine is slipping. But that's another story. -
Version 1.0.0
Since I haven't been doing still photography very much anymore, I'm going to post short vignettes from video files. Since the number of megs we can use on this site is small for video, these will be quite short. I am using some stills taken from video to fill out the show a bit. This was back in September when I was trying to time the fall color of the aspens. I was going to explore Utah with drone and action camera in hand and then end my adventure in Leadville Colorado. Leadville was gorgeous. They had a foot of fresh snow, fantastic white, and the aspen were in full color. By the time I got there my back was hurting so bad I didn't take a single photo. Nuts. As it was I had a hard time driving home to Albuquerque. Health is everything and mine is slipping. But that's another story. -
Version 1.0.0
A short video of a portion of my May 2024 video. I had emergency surgery in June to save my life. I've been back exploring as soon as I can because time is short. Make the most of your time and burn brightly while you can. All the best to all of you. I'll keep posting until the end.